Who Should Be Interested?

Who should be interested in Aroha entities for personal empowerment?

Incorporated Aroha entities have great potential interest for:

·    Persons who have disabilities that make them vulnerable or socially isolated and limit their abilities to carry through business decisions about their lives. An incorporated Aroha entity should be an option for anyone who has a developmental, physical, mental, cognitive, or communication disability.   

·    Parents and siblings concerned about enhancing quality of life now and sustaining it after they are gone.   

·    Everyone who cares about a relative or friend with a disability, as an Aroha can provide a platform for inviting community support to broaden and continue the good things being done by family and friends   

·    Communities who can see the benefits of families and friends having real and responsible roles in protecting vulnerable and otherwise socially isolated persons from abuse, and generally promoting safety in communities   

·    Governments who are reassured that, with its legal powers and responsibilities, the incorporated Aroha entity functions enough like an agency to receive disability support dollars and provide fiscal management   

·    Prospective foundation supporters who appreciate Aroha entities for their success in leveraging family and community investments.   

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